Home Buying - Final Walk Through

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Why Does the Home Buyer Need to do a Final Walk Through Before Signing the Closing Documents

The final walkthrough is an essential step in the home buying process, conducted just before signing the closing documents. Its primary purpose is to ensure that the property is in the agreed-upon condition and that all terms of the purchase contract have been met. Here’s why it's so important:

1. Confirm Repairs Were Made
   - If the buyer requested specific repairs or improvements as part of the contract negotiations, the final walkthrough allows them to verify that these have been completed satisfactorily.

2. Check for Property Condition
   - The buyer ensures that the home is in the same or better condition as it was during the inspection or the last time they viewed it. This includes checking that no damage has occurred since the last visit.

3. Ensure Fixtures and Appliances are Present
   - The walkthrough helps confirm that all agreed-upon fixtures, appliances, and other items (such as light fixtures, window treatments, etc.) are still in the home and in working order.

4. Verify That the Property is Vacant
   - The buyer checks to make sure the seller has moved out and that the property is empty of the seller’s belongings unless otherwise agreed.

5. Test Systems and Appliances
   - The buyer can test the home’s systems (like heating, cooling, plumbing, and electrical) and appliances to ensure everything is functioning correctly.

6. Check for Cleanliness
   - While the seller isn’t obligated to professionally clean the home, it should be left in a "broom-clean" condition, meaning free of personal belongings, debris, and major dirt.

7. Prevent Last-Minute Surprises
   - The final walkthrough helps avoid any last-minute surprises that could delay or derail the closing. If issues are discovered, they can be addressed before finalizing the purchase.

8. Peace of Mind
   - The walkthrough gives the buyer peace of mind, knowing that the property is exactly as expected before committing to the purchase and signing the closing documents.

If any problems arise during the final walkthrough, the buyer can address them with the seller, potentially delaying closing until they are resolved or negotiating a solution, such as a reduction in the sale price or additional repairs.